You are currently viewing Penelope Velasco, MD, FACOG, Obstetrician Gynecologist (OBGYN)

Penelope Velasco, MD, FACOG, Obstetrician Gynecologist (OBGYN)

Comment Form For Each Mentor

What is your current title and role?

I am an obstetrician gynecologist practicing in Los Angeles. I provide care to the underserved community of South Los Angeles.

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Mexico till I was 12 years old and then moved to United States  

Tell us about your professional (medical, nursing, allied health, etc.) school?

I attended Creighton University School of Medicine in Omaha, Nebraska. I completed residency training in King Drew Medical Center in Los Angeles, California.

Tell us about struggles and challenges in achieving your goal and how you overcame?

I had many challenges. I was the first in my family to pursue higher education. I endured many social and cultural barriers. I had academic, emotional and team support from caring individuals and programs which helped me to accomplish my educational goal.

Please share with us about your family and your support group?

My father provided me with educational opportunities, support and encouragement that enabled me to pursue higher education.

Please share a memorable experience from your training that has stayed with you till today.

I had many memorable experiences with patient care, good outcomes and happy patients

Please share a memorable teaching moment.

I learned a lot from medical school learning. I overall was enjoyed all aspects of medical school.

Please share a highlight from your practice/current role.

Supporting and taking care of women as they progress through pregnancy and then delivering their babies and bringing new life into the world is very rewarding. Providing health care to common gynecological problems is also very fulfilling.

What do you like and dislike the most about working in healthcare?

I dislike the limited resources to underserve communities that makes it challenging to give the best care. I like the fact that despite the circumstances, a lot of good health care is being provided to the communities I work in..

What are three things that you are grateful for?

  1. Leadership position, 2. Good people who care for the underserve community, 3. Being able to work with the patients it is a privilege to be able to guide them into good health.

What excites you outside medicine?

I love nature, family, and good friends.

What advice do you have for students interested in healthcare?

Healthcare is a rewarding field. Make sure to take care of self and have a life- balance in order to do well in the field of medicine.

What do you think the student of today needs to be successful in matriculating and graduating from professional school (medicine, nursing, allied health, pharmacy)?

Good grades, good test scores, take advantage of programs that prepare you for exam success. Well-rounded extracurricular activities.

How would you advise or guide students to develop leadership skills, community outreach experience, research opportunities and clinical shadowing?

Ask, enquire, and be proactive to get information.

How can we support and guide students to achieve good grades and be successful in standardized exams?

Get hold of old exams, if possible, consider enrolling in programs that prepare students for standardize exams.