You are currently viewing Ore Ogunyemi, MD, Urologist, Health Coach and Medical Writer

Ore Ogunyemi, MD, Urologist, Health Coach and Medical Writer

Comment Form For Each Mentor

What is your current title and role?

AIM Physician advisor. Utilization management for health care

Where did you grow up?

Lagos, Nigeria and the United States

Tell us about your professional (medical, nursing, allied health, etc) school?

I went to the Drew/UCLA medical education program. It is the only minority focused medical school in the Western United States. It is heavily focused on educating health care professionals that serve the underserved.

Tell us about struggles and challenges in achieving your goal and how you overcame?

Medical school is a marathon as well as a team effort. I heavily relied on my medical school classmates to learn and understand the material as well as professors and mentors who took the time out to support my goals. Overcoming struggles and challenges happens when we cultivate our strengths, identify our weakness, and seek out mentors and friends to help us achieve our goals. 

Please share with us about your family and your support group?

I have an extensive family network that is always a phone call away to help me whenever I need. I am incredibly blessed because of this. I also have a good network of friend from college and beyond who provide laughter and encouragement when I struggle.

Please share a memorable experience from your training that has stayed with you till today?

I remember the first time that I had to call the moment of death for a patient. Looking into the face of someone’s loved one and telling them that their mother is gone is one of the hardest things anyone has to do. It really humbles you and makes you forever grateful for the opportunity (when available) to give people precious moments to enjoy their lives.

Please share a memorable teaching moment.

One of the most fun teaching experiences is showing a (typically) 3rd year medical student how to suture the skin after surgery. It is such an empowering moment for them as they realize that their work will forever be etched on the patient’s body. It is a combination of humility and empowerment that is so fun to behold.

Please share a highlight from your practice/current role.

I am able to educated physicians and other health care providers about best practices for evaluating patients and also am exposed to a wide variety of medical practices that I did not have practicing as a specialist

Which of your accomplishments are you most proud of?

I am most proud of moments when I listen to patients and show them that they are heard.

What do you like and dislike the most about working in healthcare?


What are three things that you are grateful for?

Family, health, my dreams

What excites you outside medicine?


What advice do you have for students interested in healthcare?

Volunteer in the medical field and get a sense of what the day to day of practicing medicine looks like.

What do you think the student of today needs to be successful in matriculating and graduating from professional school (medicine, nursing, allied health, pharmacy)

Perseverance, excellent support and a really good underlying “why”

How would you advise or guide students to develop leadership skills, community outreach experience, research opportunities and clinical shadowing?

Ask for what you want. Identify people who are doing what you want and ask their advice. If you show genuine interest in their work, they are likely to teach you a lot.

How can we support and guide students to achieve good grades and be successful in standardized exams?

By framing exams and grades as a learned skill that can be mastered but is very separate from being a good doctor.  Encouraging students to spend the time practicing how to take standardized tests and building good studying habits.